Things You Need to Know Before Online Entrance Examination

The ever increasing competition with the increasing number of students appearing for any examination has diverted the routes of pen and paper methodology to the digital one. It is no surprise that most of the top entrance examinations for higher education as well as jobs are embracing the online mode of conducting their exams. Transcending towards digitization has almost abandoned the conventional paper pen format to the online examination ways.

However these disperse from the tradition methods of writing an exam have left many students bewildered. They find themselves into most anxious state when it comes to appearing for an online examination. Therefore, here we have brought a few tips for the students which will guide them and enable them to overcome their fear.

Get Familiar
If you are new to the online exams format, it is very important to get accustomed to the system. Spend considerable time on the computers or laptops so as to avoid small glitches during the examination. Get thorough with the exam formats and understand the instructions well before hand.

Practice More
As the saying goes “Practice makes a man perfect”, it is just about more and more practice. Giving sufficient mock tests will make you accustomed to the test formats and marking style. It will endure your content knowledge, tricks and techniques and time management skills. Appearing for the mock tests and getting good scores will boost up your confidence and decrease your consternation before the final exams.

Read Instructions
Many students in a haste of starting up the examination overlook this part. It is very crucial to go through the instructions thoroughly before starting. A little 10-15 minutes concentration in the beginning will help you in a great way. The instruction sections provide vital details of each section covered in the exam. The sequence of answering the questions, number of attempts for a question and many more are the important information which you can miss out if you do not read them carefully.

Prepare a Strategy
Make a strategy before attempting the online examinations. Make clear in your mind which sections you have to attempt first and the time span you have to allot. Preparing strategies resembles preparing an itinerary before embarking on a journey.

 Save the Answer before Skipping to Other
Do not forget to click on save icon before switching to the next question. There are possibilities that the computer does not auto save the answer. In such conditions your answer goes unmarked if you fail to save it.

Time Management
Time is a standout among the most crucial components of any examination whether offline or on the web. You ought to deal with your opportunity carefully and not spend excessively or too little of it on any one question. A clock will be available on the support which will enable you to monitor time over the span of the exam.

Do not panic and Contact the Invigilator
There may be some technical glitches or malfunctions sometimes. Be patient in such situation and contact the instructor available. Generally the time lost is compensatory in the online exams. Do not let these technical problems overpower you.

The online examination formats have not only reduced the time and energy involved in the entire procedure but have also resulted in secured data, logistical ease and exam scams. They are further environment friendly adapting no paper phenomenon.  We hope that these tips will prove to be helpful for you next online examination session.


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