Importance of Video Tutorials in Education

The influence of digitization has left the remarkable impact on individuals of all age group. Be it a toddler or a teenager, a middle-aged human or a person nearing his 70s all are fascinated and completely under the influence of technology and gadgets.

Under this scenario, where everyone is trapped in the hands of gadgetry world, it becomes difficult to curb this habit into a beneficial one. Video tutorials for different age are therefore constantly gaining popularity to be one of the most effective ways of pedagogy. Video learning adds a unique dimension to the whole learning procedure.

Various reports suggest that the audio-visual nature of the videos have improved the retention power of the students. They appeal a wider audience breaking down the barriers of location and time drastically. So let us elaborate a few more points covering the advantages of video sessions.

Interactive Nature
This one remains the most obvious of all the reasons for using video learning tool. The video classes are far more engaging and interactive in nature as compared to the print media tools. Innumerous topics which are strenuous to understand are made facile through the videos. Visual memories which are considered to be the strongest ones assist further in increasing the response rate of students quadruple times more.

Accessible Nature
With a mere internet connection, you can become the control master of millions of videos available on the web. Accessible on a multitude of devices like mobiles, desktops, laptops, tablets etc. you can stream to the video tutorials anywhere and everywhere. The time constraint remains no more a hurdle in the path of your learning process.

Repetition Facility
Do you face a problem in recalling the formulas taught in the classes at the beginning of your session? Video learning gives a solution for that. The ability to watch a video 100 more times does not seem to be a problem. Further adding on the advantages, you can replay, pause, rewind or forward a video session as per your grasping power and till the time you are through with the topic.

More Effective Learning
Decades ago when our gurus taught us human body, it was all our imagination power that visualized intestines, heart, stomach or various organs. But now with the aid of videos, you can get the exact picture of even the most complex body part in just a click. The point here is that education has become more real rather being abstract through the interventions of videos in the teaching system.

Create Flipped Classrooms
Teachers now are following the path of blended learning or flipped classrooms techniques. Video tutorials act as an icing on the cake for such pedagogical methods. Fostering the right concepts have become a kid’s stuff by utilizing the videolearning effectively.

Proper Feedback and Assistance
The feedback feature in any video class stands out to be the most crucial one. It facilitates the teacher to understand their students in a better way. It gives a clear picture of the need of the students or the areas where students are losing interest. Thus the teacher within no time is able to make out where the students need review sessions or a better video.

It has been noticed that classrooms are no longer treated as a burden after the commencement of video tutorials. Rather, now education has adapted far more interesting ways to facilitate the children and youth to get better results.


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