Features of METS LAB

In recent past, educators have perceived the needs of preparing the children as per the workforce required in the 21st century. They have realized that innovators are needed for the world to flourish into a better place to live in.

METS Lab is a tool to arm the children with requisite skills and knowledge to be successful pioneers of inventions and discoveries. METS lab is a way to spark the kids’ interest for science, technology, arts, technology and mathematics at a very early age. This intervention at an adolescent level instigates curiosities and investigations.

METS lab has been designed keeping in mind the tenderness of brain of a kid. It has been devised to keep up the interest levels of every child when it comes to his involvement in the learning process.
Let’s look up at the few features we clung to while designing the curriculum of METS Lab.

Focus on real world issues
There is no point teaching kids if they are unfamiliar of the real world problems from day to day life. In METS Lab we acquaint them to a few social, economic or environmental problems that the world is facing. We tend them to find solutions for the same and come up with their innovatory minds to find alternatives for the hitches. This grooms up the problem solving skills among the kids and prepares them for the future challenges.

Scientific Explorations
Breaking the traditional classroom culture stereotypes, METS Lab introduces systematic approach to scientific explorations at all levels. METS Lab is based on hands on experience techniques and open ended analysis of things surrounding us. It works on the collaborative efforts of children to view a particular problem and come out with the scientific solutions to them on their own.

Productive Teamwork
“No one can whistle a symphony; it takes the whole orchestra to play”. A productive teamwork can build nations. In METS Lab we emphasize on bringing together a group of children to perform particular tasks. Uniting the skills of different children together results in speeding up of the learning procedure as a whole.

Integrated study
Integration of maths, science and technology helps in gaining insight on how course objectives can be interwoven into a given lesson. METS Lab aims at proving the relevance of both maths and science in actual scenarios. Maths and science must not be viewed as isolated subjects to develop the understanding for resolving an issue.

Test, Evaluate and Execute
METS Lab is a platform which insists on creation and development of ideas into tangible substance. We follow the path of identifying the problem, make researches, apply multiple methods, make mistakes, resolve them, evaluate performance and redesign them to reach to the final conclusion. Thus we believe in an organised scientific approach.

It is extremely important that we adapt ourselves to the upcoming demands and situations and prepare our children too for the upcoming challenges. They need to know statistics, technology, programming, automation and various other subjects to stand up for the imminent hurdles and job market. We strive to create the skills, expertise and competent children who make a difference in this world.


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