PHD Compulsory From July, 2021

The latest news from the HRD Ministry of Phd being made compulsory for the post of assistant professors in universities from the session 2021-22 has flooded the internet in last two days. The announcement made by the honorable HRD Minister Mr. PrakashJavdekar on last Wednesday stated The whole effort is to improve the quality of higher education and to attract and retain the best talent in the country.

So what may be the basis for the outcome of such regulation? Is it due to the quality of higher education in India which is constantly failing to achieve the desirable heights globally? Or is it the catastrophe in retaining our master minds within India? As per a report Indian education system has added up over 20,000 colleges and 8 million students between the ten year period of 2001-2011. As a result Indian education system ranks third in size in the world after the US  China. Although persisting such figures, the distressing fact is that the average quality of India’s higher education has been falling steadily behind the world average. We are straggling in nourishing the young minds to their maximum potential. Are we compromising quality over quantity?
Phd is considered to be the most valuable degree in the world. It is the most valuable asset that an aspiring academician can have. The methodological research works enhanced he problem solving skills thereby upgrading the confidence levels in an individual.
So lets have an open discussion on the idea of doing Phd mandatory for the faculty of college and universities. Do you people feel that it is an effective step taken by the government to increase the quality of Indian higher school education or will this also fizzle out disappointedly like many other educational reforms? Your valuable comments are eagerly awaited.
Looking forward to hear up from you all.

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